Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Structure of Posting and a Warning

Because all things craveth structure, and because bad poets prize poor alliteration, I shall structure this blog on the following guidelines:

Monday: Modern Monday - A post on modernism and modern culture
Tuesday: Tell-Tale Tuesday - A post on literature and literary theory
Wednesday: Washingtonian Wednesday - A post on politics (generally, American)
Thursday: Traditionalist Thursday - A post on traditionalism-in-theory
Friday: Financial Friday - A post on economics & finance
Saturday: Strategic Saturday - A post on grand strategy and international relations
Sunday: Supreme Sunday - A post on God and faith

As far as these seven areas regarding art, literature, politics, philosophy, economics, diplomacy, and religion, in art I am a humanist, in literature I am a Romantic, in politics I am a conservative, in philosophy I am a Thomist, in economics I am a localist, in diplomacy I am a hawk, and in religion I am a Catholic. For reference.

And a warning: blogging on this blog shall be interrupted in a week's time for a month's time, at which point it shall resume regularly. Details not forthcoming.

Yours, &c,

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